F:0575-85667000 |
亚申科技高通量动力学平行反应器系统 PRS-16K

亚申高通量平行反应器系统 PRS-16
YASHEN HIGH THROUGHPUT Parallel Reactor System PRS-16
State-of-the-art parallel fix-bed reactor system with wide
range of applications with high efficiency.

PRS-16广泛适用于气相或滴流条件下催化剂及反应工艺条件的各类评价,包括催化剂筛 选、多元催化剂的组成筛选和优化、反应条件及工艺优化、催化反应动力学研究、催化剂寿命 考察等。
多个/多种PRS-16平行反应器系统还可进行平行组合,从而进一步提高研究及操控的效率 和灵活性。
YASHEN PRS-16 has a wide range of operating windows (pressure, temperature, flow, and catalyst loading) to enable high process flexibility so that various gas phase and trickle bed applications can be investigated, including catalyst screening and testing, reaction condition optimization, reaction kinetics study and catalyst lifetime testing, etc.
PRS-16 provides high quality and reliable data through cutting-edge engineering technology and seamless integration of state-of-the-art software.The integrated easy-to-use software enables automated high throughput experimentation. A common software platform for experimental design, execution, tracking, analysis, and evaluation maintains high flexibility and reliable operations.
Combination of a variety of PRS-16 systems can further increase the efficiency and flexibility

Uniformity: Uniform flow and temperature across all 16 channels
精确性:催化剂筛选和评价系统床层温差和各通道间温差:小于±0.5 度;动力学系统床层温差和各通道间温差:小于±0.1 度
Precision: Channel to channel temperature uniformity less than ±0.5 oC for normal system; less than ±0.1 oC for system used for kinetics study
适用性:适用于气体、液体或气液同时进料;适用于气固、液固、气液固反应;允许大范围催化剂装填体积和大范围的反应温度和反应压力;同时可以集成多台各类分析仪器(如GC、MS、IR 等)在线/离线仪器,提高分析通量;在线,离线采集样品
Flexibility: Wide range of operating windows (pressure, temperature, flow, and catalyst loading) to enable high process flexibility in various gas phase and trickle bed applications; high throughput online/offline analysis
Easy-to-use: Integrated user-friendly software for experimental control, system monitoring, data processing, etc.
Safety: Over-limit protection of pressure and temperature, auto shut down for gas leakage, utility failure, according to user predefined safety procedures
Expandable: System with 16 to hundred channels can be customized
A Versatile System for Catalyst Development
催化剂筛选和评价 Catalyst screening and testing
催化反应条件筛选研究 Catalytic reaction condition screening
催化反应动力学研究 Catalytic reaction kinetics study
催化反应传质传热研究 Mass and heat transfer study
催化反应工艺过程研究 Processing optimization
催化反应工艺模拟建模、放大 Process modeling and scale up
催化剂寿命考察 Catalyst lifetime testing
石油化工 加氢反应-加氢裂化,加氢脱硫、脱氮,选择性加氢等;氧化反应;异构化反应;聚合反应
煤化工 合成气转化-费托反应,甲醇、乙醇、高碳醇、多元醇合成,洁净汽油、柴油合成
天然气化工 天然气水蒸气重整;天然气二氧化碳重整;联合重整
环境保护 烟气脱硫、脱硝;汽车尾气处理;空气污染催化治理;废水处理
生物质转化 生物柴油;生物乙醇
应用领域 Applications
Petroleum Chemistry Hydrogenation: hydrocracking, HDS/HDN, selective hydrogenation; Oxidation; Isomerization; Polymerization
Coal Chemistry Syngas conversion: Fischer-Tropsch reaction, Methanol/Ethanol/Higher alcohols/
Polyalcohol synthesis, Clean gasoline/diesel; Methanol conversion: MTO/MTP/
MTG, Methanol to DME, Methanol to DMC
Natural Gas Chemistry Stream reforming, CO2 reforming, Combining reforming
Environment Protection De NOx/SOx, Automobile emission treatment, Air pollution treatment, Wastewater treatment
